I am an Asiatic-American photographer/visual-artist/set designer. Born in historic New Orleans, LA. U.S.A., raised on the out skirts of Detroit, MI. Also lived in The Peoples Republic of China and now based in the beautiful city of Atlanta, Ga. While living in Atlanta my love for visual arts, design & photography germinated.
My culture -The way we walk, speak, live, view the world and the countless contributions to the human experience, is simply what drives me. My life has always been dedicated to my culture and the arts. The architectural achievements, style, rich history and the ability to transform the world in which we live feeds my passion. Studying some of the greats in their fields, such as Carrie Mae Weems, Coreen Simpson, Teju Cole, Gordon Parks, F.Gary Gray and Derek Blank, just to name a few. These influences have shaped me and what I present to you today.
“photography has done what I could never do! make time stand still”. -Ma-Lik Nasir